Saturday, March 27, 2010

Nature Outing at Rancho San Antonio, Cupertino

We played duck-duck-goose and chaos tag. In the nature outing, we walked one mile to Deer Hollow Farm. Every farm animal except a horse was there in this farm. I also thought of a song for this farm sung to the tune of "Old McDonald had a farm.."

Old Mcdonald had a farm,
And on the farm there was a sow,
Snorting at us now.
With a snort snort here and a snort snort there,
here snort, there snort, everywhere snort, snort || (Old Mcdonald)

And on the farm there was a cow,
Cosy in some hay.
With a snuggle here and a snuggle there,
here snug, there snug, everywhere snug, snug || (Old Mcdonald)

And on the farm there was a lamb,
Resting on some grass.
With a smile smile here and a smile smile there,
here smile, there smile, everywhere smile smile || (Old Mcdonald)

And on the farm there were some geese,
Playing with some rocks.
With a look look here and a look look there
Here look, there look, everywhere look look || (Old Mcdonald)

And on the farm there were some goats
Smiling at us now.
With a smile smile here and a smile smile there
Here smile, there smile, everywhere smile smile || (Old Mcdonald)

Deep Secrets of the Neutrino: Physics Underground: Talk by Dr. Peter Rowson, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory

We raced into the Panofsky Auditorium. I won by going through the grass. I wanted to eat some cookies but I couldn't find any. There were only SLAC T-shirts. We ran into the auditorium and found seats really close to the stage. Finally, Dr. Peter Rowson started his lecture.

He first talked about the history of the neutrino. In 1933, Wolfgang Pauli wrote a funny letter to a conference ("Dear Radioactive Ladies and Gentlemen..."). In this letter, he theorized that there was a small particle which had small mass that was taking some energy away during chemical reactions. In 1934, Enrico Fermi from the University of Rome, coined the term neutrino ("little neutral one" in Italian) for the particle.

The problem of detecting neutrinos forced physicsts to the poles or underground. The problem was that they needed only the neutrinos coming into their detectors and not cosmic rays and muons. When you go underground, the soil above filters cosmic rays, but you have to go down a certain depth or below to get rid of muons. All current neutrino experiments are conducted below depths of 1000 ft. Since neutrinos can pass through one light year of lead, they will not be filtered by the soil.

The closest source of neutrinos to the earth is the sun. Every day, millions of neutrios pass through you and you don't even notice them. There are three types of neutrinos: electron-type neutrinos, muon-type neutrinos and tau-type neutrinos. In a star's fusion, there are many reactions which give off electron-type neutrinos. Neutrinos can change form from one type to another. When a neutrino escapes out of the sun, it will be an electron-type neutrino. But, when we detect it, it can be any of three types. The elctron-type neutrino's charged partner is the electron, the muon-type neutrino's charged partner is the muon and the tau-type's charged partner is the tau lepton.

Dr. Rowson is doing his experiment in a mine in Carlsbad, New Mexico which is also used by the U.S. Department of Energy to store nuclear waste. His experiment consists of a tub of Xenon-136. When a neutrino hits water, it emits a particle called a muon. To the human eye, the muon is a tiny spark of blue light. This is how a neutrino is usually detected. This experiement is called EXO200. Sometimes, radioactive materials give off beta particles or just high speed electrons. People now want to detect if a radioactive atom gives off two of these beta particles and two neutrinos.

1) What is Dr. Rowson's experiment? Is he trying to determine the mass of a neutrino?
2) What is the purpose of using Xenon-136 in this experiment?
3) How is the double beta decay being used in this experiment?
4) What happens in this experiement after the neutrino hits the xenon?

Monday, March 22, 2010

Seahorse Tour at the Cal Academy of Sciences

I was just sitting there, playing Flood-It. Just then, Talya and Devin came in. The tour started. We walked to a room where we answered very basic questions and asked questions that we had. Seahorses belong to the family Syngnathidae. Other members of this family are the sea dragon, the pipefish, and the pipehorse. There are only 2 species of sea dragons (the leafy sea dragon and the weedy sea dragon) and there are 45 species of seahorses.All seahorses belong to the genus Hippocampus. In Greek, hippo means horse and kampos means sea monster. Here are 5 types of seahorses:
Hippocampus barbouri, Barbour's seahorse
Hippocampus hippocampus, Short-snouted seahorse
Hippocampus kelloggi, Kellogg's seahorse
Hippocampus minotaur, Bullneck seahorse
Hippocampus zebra, Zebra seahorse
Seahorses are very slow swimmers. It could take a seahorse one hour to swim across a swimming pool.

Then we went down to the specimen lab, which had 250,000 (1/4 million) specimens. Dr. Dave Catania showed us some specimens. We first saw an angler fish. The first picture is a picture of the angler fish. Then we saw a stonefish, which is extremely poisonous. According to Wikipedia, the poison can be removed when you apply water that iS at 113 degrees F. Then we saw a specimen of a seahorse. We saw several specimens of sea dragons. Then we went to the molecular lab.

First, the DNA is separated with some chemicals. Then, the DNA goes through a liquid gel. It is illiuminated by UV light and processed through a computer to see the DNA sequence. Then we went back to the small room where we started.

We asked Dr. Healy Hamilton questions about seahorses, pipefish and seadragons. Dr. Hamilton showed us a pipefish fossil from Italy. I asked her why the pipefish didn't have fins. She said that the pipefish was so ancient that it didn't have fins. She asked us what our favorite animals were and I said that I had 8 favorite animals. She told me to name three of them. "Elephants, zebras and giraffes," I said. She said that I will have to work in Africa.

Next, we went to the Steinhart Aquarium. We saw Hippocampus redii eat some shrimp. Seahorses suck their food through their long snout in 7 milliseconds. This was the first time I ever saw a seahorse eat. I watched this in videos before but never live. We also saw some seadragons though not for the first time. The two species of seadragons, the weedy seadragon and the leafy seadragon were in the aquarium. I quickly took seven photos of the leafy and weedy seadragons.
And now, the tour was over. While hurrying up the stairs, I dropped the iPhone. Luckily it didn't fall down the stairs. I picked it up and saw a huge American alligator. We came out and went back home.

Specimen Lab:
Seahorses and Seadragons by Mary Jo Rhodes

"We first saw an angler fish."
 "We answered some basic questions."
"I quickly took 7 photos of the seadragons."

Monday, March 15, 2010

Antimatter presentation: Talk by Dr. Helen Quinn at Robert C. Smithwick Theater, Foothill College

I raced Daddy up the slope from the parking lot. I was tired half way up the slope and Daddy ran at top speed taking the lead. But, I finally won the race when Daddy was three quarters up the slope. I ran up the stairs into the Smithwick Theater. The lecture didn't start yet.

Dr. Andrew Fraknoi was giving his formal introduction and finally Dr. Helen Quinn, the lecturer came up to the stage and started talking. Her slides were plain white and she said that chemistry doesn't produce nearly as good slides as astronomy does.

She talked about the three mysteries of anti matter and one of them was the mystery of the missing antimatter.

In the beginning of the universe, the amount of matter and anti-matter were equal. But now, there is much more matter than antimatter. How this happened is a mystery that physicists are trying to solve.

Dr. Quinn is working at SLAC so she told us how they make antimatter there. They shoot an electron beam at a block of tungsten (atomic number 74) and the beam gets separated into matter and antimatter. After her talk, I also asked her a question about how they can make antihydrogen.

Antimatter is made out of antiparticles. An example is antihydrogen. Hydrogen is made out of one proton and one electron and antihydrogen is made out of one antiproton and one antielectron.