Thursday, September 8, 2011

What in the World is a Perfidious Person?

As some of you already know, I've published a story on recently. If you haven't seen it yet, I included a link on this page. 
Also, I'm in an online grammar class called MLWWW1AF11T (Magic Lens/Word Within the Word 1A Fall 2011 Tuesday).

When do the above two things unite (unite is from unus, Latin for one)? I'll tell you when: when, for homework, we all had to write a story containing at least 4 words which have the prefix "per-." Per- means "through" in most cases. 

We all wrote many stories. They ranged from people robbing banks to evil kings on gold thrones to Calvin and Hobbes (for readers in India, Calvin and Hobbes are two American comic characters.)  I wrote the longest story. Here it is, in flashing colors:

Once upon a time, a perfidious person came to the peroration of his persuasive speech. In it, he said that no person had any perquisites, and the peremptory aristocrats were all pernicious.

Afterwards, the perfidious person perambulated home. Meanwhile, the people who had attended the persuasive peroration perpended about it. The peroration was perspicacious, but if they voted for a permutation of power, the perfidious person would get all the perquisites!

The peremptory aristocrats perpended about the peroration, too. At dawn, they perambulated to the perfidious person's house. The perfidious person, in his pertinacity, refused to let them come in without his permission. The aristocrats gave the National Guard permission to perambulate to the perfidious person's house.

A few minutes later, the perimeter of the perfidious person's house was surrounded by the peremptory aristocrats' soldiers. The perfidious person had only one weapon - persuasive perorations. But that wasn't a match for sword and gun. The perfidious person perambulated to Persia disguised as a pervasive prophet.

The people who realized the truth about the persuasive peroration persuaded all other people around that the persuasive peroration was just for getting the perquisites. They made a peroration saying that the aristocrats were extremely pernicious and peremptory, and they didn't need to have any perquisites in the country. The other people agreed. Suddenly the peremptory aristocrats and the Guard arrived.

A few people escaped. They sent a transcript of the peroration that had just been made, and a postscript.

Six months later, the once perfidious - now patriotic - person was made the new President. His influence was pervasive to the new country. He was made a general 5 months before, and his persistence had united all the people into an army that caused the aristocrats to, perforce, flee. His name will always be remembered.

A few words may be unfamiliar to you. My textbook for the class has all those words on page 9. So I included a list of definitions of the words I used here:

peremptory - dictator-like.
perambulate - walk.
perfidious - treacherous.
pernicious - destructive.
peroration - conclusion of a speech.
perspicacious - insightful. 
pertinacity - stubbornness.  
perforce - by force.
permutation - rearrangement.
perpend - think.
perquisite - privilege.
pervasive - spread throughout. 