Saturday, November 7, 2009

Nov 2 - Nov 7, 2009 Activity Summary

- EPGY: Started week at 4.40 and ended at 4.48 (Geometry: 4.51, Measurement: 4.50, Integers: 4.46)
- Reading the book "Life by the Numbers" by Keith Devlin - read sections about how math is used to solve different problems in life, how skaters perform triple axels and knot theory. Currently reading about how Tom Banchoff used math to construct (using a computer) a hypercube (4 dimensional cube)
- RockIt Science: Learned about air pressure, built a machine invented by Hero of Alexandria that spouts water up by itself due to air pressure, heard a crazy story about Evil Mr. Fred and Jack and Jill. In the story, Jack and Jill are farmers who, in their field, grow pizzas, nachos, pickles,chocolate ice cream. Evil Mr. Fred, who always wants everyone to be sad, doesn't like Jack and Jill having these nice things. He makes a cloud and puts some rocket engines and burns up some crops each time he comes. Fortunately, Jack and Jill made friends with a flying lake.  So, everytime Evil Mr. Fred comes and burns their crops, the lake puts out the fire. They find a lake near their farm and connect it with pipes to the flying lake and try to spout water at the rocket engines until the fuel is gone. But, their plan does not work out. So, they find a stronger rocket fuel to replace Evil Mr. Fred's old fuel and they offer him some. He burns some pizzas but the new rocket fuel creates a flame so big that it burns Evil Mr. Fred and his cloud.

- Thinkwell Chemistry: Learned the Heisenberg Uncertainity Principle to the characteristics of each family in the periodic table - how they react with water, why the alkali metals have their name (when they react with water, the solution is basic or alkaline), etc.

- Solar Research: Trying to learn about how much time it takes for the sun to provide enough heat to one cup of water from 60° F to 212° F (needs 76 BTUs of heat). Solar panels convert solar energy to electricity actively. I decided to use a lens instead of a solar panel in my solar car design.

- Biology: Dirt to Dinner class (Bugs) - read my post

- Physics: Reading "Conceptual Physics" by Paul G. Hewitt about Galileo's inclined planes.

- Astronomy: See post on Dark Energy talk

- Painting: Completed "My Froggy". Started "My ? animal"
- Clay Class: Working on a scene from "Around the World in 365 days" by Shreyes Nallan

- Fiction: Reading "White Sands, Red Menace" by Ellen Klages
- Biographies: Read "James Watt, Master of the Steam Engine" by Anna Sproule. Reading "The  Wright Brothers, the Birth of Modern Aviation" by Anna Sproule. Mummy is reading "Never at Rest" by Richard S. Westfall (long version of the "The Life of Isaac Newton")

-Swim class at Timpany Center: Breaststroke, Freestyle with breathing in water
-Tennis - No class Saturday this week, class on Sunday