Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Journey to the Center of the Earth : Exploring High Pressure in Stanford, CA

September 29th, 2009. Mummy was running down the corridor into the garage. I quickly jumped 3 steps, ran into the garage, and wore my shoes. Mummy drove on CA-87 and took the North First Street exit. She took Orchard Parkway and said," Did you ever see Daddy's new office?". She passed BAE Systems and finally arrived at 3025 Orchard Parkway. Daddy ran towards the van. I jumped down the van, ran towards the car door, and buckled my belt. Daddy turned right on Montague Expressway, made an U-turn, took US-101, took exit The Embarcadero/ Oregon Expressway, right on East The Embarcadero, right on Arbroitetry Way, left on Sand Hill Road, and left on Saga Lane. Where were we going to? The Stanford Linear Accelerator in Stanford, CA to see the lecture Journey to the Center of the Earth : Exploring High Pressure! When we got out of the van, we were greeted by a gruesome wind blowing our way. We ran into the Panofsky Auditorium, grabbed a cookie each, jumped down the steps, and sat in our seats. We asked a person working at The Stanford Linear Accelerator what they were smashing. He said they were smashing an electron with its anti-particle. "Emergency Information" was showing on the lecturer's (Wendy Mao) laptop. We were sitting in our seats, waiting for the lecture to start. Finally it did. The very interesting lecture was about, as it says on the title of this post, high pressure. One of the things I remembered was that atoms get closer when they reach higher pressure. Finally Wendy Mao ended the lecture with a story of a monk. We exited the Panofsky Auditorium, raced into the parking lot, opened the car door, and buckled our belts. Daddy gave me a sandwich, started the car, turned left on Sand Hill Road, took I-280, exit CA-87, and finally arrived home.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Dirt to Dinner: Compost Building and Seed Dispersion

Teachers: Mackenzie and Juli Idleman

We made compost from dried leaves and by chopping a tomato plant. In the second photo, I am sitting next to the tomato plant that I chopped up for obtaining the carbon in the compost (the dried leaves provide nitrogen) I found some green and red tomatoes while cutting the tomato leaves.
In the first photo, I am doing the Seed Olympics. I had to make a pea seed that flies, a pea seed that can fling itself and a pea seed that can float. The photos shows me making one that flies. The pea seed is inside the styrofoam ball.
I also made one that floats with the same white colored ball but without the feathers. I put a pea seed inside a wet balloon and closed it with a rubber band to keep the air from going out. I released the balloon and it shot forward. The rubber band came off because the balloon was wet and slippery. Then, the pea seed fell down and the balloon was out of air and landed on a rosemary plant.

I had fun in this class!

Book Review: The Twits by Roald Dahl (1916 - 1990)

The Twits: Book Review
Status: Read
Rating: 100 out of 100
Author: Roald Dahl (1916 - 1990)
Illustrator: Quentin Blake (1932 - )
Then it was enjoying, now it's nastiness. Mr. and Mrs. Twit are a nasty couple who live in England. Every Wednesday, they eat Bird Pie made from the birds on their tree which is coated with HUGTIGHT Glue. They do nasty things to each other, like when Mrs. Twit put worms in Mr. Twit's spaghetti. Whenever birds come on the tree, their monkeys shout (in African) " DON'T REST ON THAT TREE! IT IS COATED WITH GLUE!". But the birds speak English and can't understand African and get stuck on the tree. One day, a Roly Poly bird (who knows English and African) comes to England. She stops other birds from getting stuck on the tree. The monkeys hatch a plan to turn Mr. and Mrs. Twit upside down when they come into the house.
The birds and the monkeys lift the carpet and attach it to the ceiling with HUGTIGHT Glue. They turn the furniture upside-down and place it on the carpet and paint the entire house with HUGTIGHT Glue. One minute later, Mr. and Mrs. Twit come into the house and are glued to the house forever with HUGTIGHT Glue!