Saturday, October 10, 2009

Dirt to Dinner: Experiments with plants

Dirt to Dinner: Experiments with Plants

Today, we started our session with circle time. We sang a song from Kenya about a village. We shared what we were thankful for and our favorite vegetable. I said that I was thankful for my Daddy being there with me in the class and my favorite vegetable was broccoli.

My group, Group S, went on a scavenger hunt to find things that were sweet, round, earthly, red, rustly, hard, pungent, etc. You can see me holding up my collection.
After that, we switched from scavenger hunt to doing some experiments with pea plants. The following questions are supposed to be answered by our experiments:
1) Do plants grow better with water?
2) Do plants really don't need soil to grow but the soil helps them grow bigger leaves?
3) Do plants really don't need light but grow better with light?
I participated in the soil experiment (to answer question 2). We planted peas in watered soil with compost and peas in watered soil without compost to see what will happen in two weeks. In the photo, you can see me planting pea seeds with Mackenzie. The water experiment to answer question 1 had a method of five different cups with different water properties (cups with and without holes, cups with different time periods between watering). The light experiment to answer question 3 had a method of putting plants in a closet with a locked door and tin foil over the plant to observe if the plant will grow.

Then Elia's group, Group C, were called into the kitchen to make an upside-down polenta (grounded corn) apple pie. After them, our group was called into the kitchen to make soft polenta. Talya made soft polenta with tomatoes and I helped Juli make soft polenta. In the photo, I am stirring the mix to make soft polenta. Group P made polenta pizza.

Mackenzie brought the food out and we had a polenta lunch. I liked eating the upside-down polenta apple pie. The pie was yummy!!

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