Saturday, October 17, 2009

My Presentation: The Manhattan Project and the making of the atom bomb

October 16, 2009.

We left home onto Capitol Expressway onto CA-87 onto US-101 and took the Whipple Road exit to Jefferson Road onto Middlefield Road and parked in the parking lot stall 1174. Mummy paid for parking at the pay machine and went into the Redwood City Library in Redwood City downtown. We went up the elevator because Suraga's seat couldn't go up the stairs and reached the community room.

The first person to present was Shiloh Curtis who talked about the Sculpture Gardens in Washington D.C. She talked about the sculptures in the garden. To improve, I would suggest that she show more excitement the next time. Next, it was my turn.

You can see my presentation in the link below:

I think that I did a good presentation on a good topic. I talked about the Manhattan Project and the making of the atomic bomb. I covered the history behind the atom bomb, the start of the project, the key sites of the project, the goals, science and the results. I said that my inspiration to do this presentation was the book "The Green Glass Sea" by Ellen Klages and "The Story of Science" by Joy Hakim. Some members in the audience asked me many questions - such as were there any other metals than trinitite in the explosion site and how many atomic bombs does the US have now.  I answered them all and concluded my presentation.

My presentation was followed by other presentations on World War II, Surviving Little Sisters, Kon-Tiki, Perfect Poisons and My Trip on Alvin (a submarine). At the end of the last presentation, My Trip on Alvin, we dispersed for the day.

The next best presentations (the best was mine, of course  :-)) was Ajay's on Perfect Poisons.