Sunday, December 13, 2009

Book Summary: Mrs. Frisby and the rats of NIMH

Book Summary: Mrs. Frisby and the rats of NIMH by Robert C. O'Brien

The mouse, Mrs. Frisby's child Timothy, has pneumonia and the farmer of the farm they live on will plow the farm in 5 days. Timothy has to recover and 5 days isn't enough. Fortunately, Mrs. Frisby contacts the rats of NIMH - huge, smart and strong rats, who move her house to a particular spot on the farm which didn't get plowed. But the farmer ordered a doctor to remove the rosebush where the rats of NIMH lived. Most of the rats escaped to their new home in Thorn Valley, a nearby valley where wild animals grazed. There were ponds in Thorn Valley for water and soil for planting crops.

The most surprising part of the story was when the mice gnawed the iron wire to escape from the NIMH lab to the city outside it. Who knew that the rats can gnaw through iron!

In this story, a doctor uses cyanide gas to remove the rosebush. Using cyanide gas to kill a rosebush is crazy and unnecessary! A pair of big garden shears would have done the job very well.

No. of pages in the book: 233

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Book Review: 21 Balloons by William Pe'ne du Bois'

Book Review: 21 Balloons by William Pe'ne du Bois'

Summary by Shreyes Nallan, 6 1/2 yrs old

"Let's go to Gilroy Gardens", said Daddy. "And, by the way, I created a problem for you, Shreyes", he said. After we climbed into the van, we took off. I looked at the problem.

It said:
"Shreyes is travelling on an airplane going at 622 mph. Roshan is travelling at 7 mph on his scooter. He sees Shreyes on his airplane and notices that he is coming down to land. Shreyes has an altitude of 797.2357346 ft when Roshan saw him. The distance to the airport to where Roshan saw him is 15.28 miles. How much time will it take for Shreyes to land?"
You might now say:
Sorry for interrupting, but
there's nothing about 21 Balloons here!
Your book review style is also rarified!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! \
"Uh!", I said. I never did any work on that problem. Finally, we arrived at the awesome theme park. Daddy and I got onto the STRAWBERRY SUNDAE ride. When we got onto #6, Mummy and Sugi climbed onto #7. Suddenly, the two strawberries collapsed into one. I looked around and noticed that the background had changed. Gilroy to San Francisco. 2009 to 1880 or 1875. On the side of the road was a building labeled HIGGINS BALLOON FACTORY. Mummy opened the door. We all saw a giant balloon attached to a small house. The balloon soared up in the sky. We decided to follow the balloon. The balloon flew over the Pacific, over the Phillippines, over Borneo and the balloon popped on an island called Krakatoa. It looked like it was uninhabited because of a volcano. The man inside the house, William Waterman Sherman, was greeted by a man who called himself "Mr.F". We walked further and saw restaurants and houses representing 20 countries. We realized that each day all 80 people ate at one restaurant. The order was alphabetical. One day the volcano blew up the island and all 81 people escaped. Of those, 76 people escaped to India, 4 to England and one (Prof. Sherman) to the Atlantic and later back to San Francisco. After watching this adventure, we came back to Gilroy. Then, I woke up from my dream.

Rating: 98.99371 Status: READ

Poem: Lunch Choice Today

Lunch Choice Today- by Shreyes Ram Nallan

Crunch and munch
Hatch a plan with it
Oh, the delicious pizzas,
Olives, lettuce and jello
Salads, ice-cream and soup
Endless choices of food
Fruits, breads and carrots
Red jello is the top pick
Eating there is the best
Soup comes in random choices
Hot pizzas are the best
Carrots directly from farms
Hard to beat the service
Oranges with a sweet taste
Interlocked are the chairs
Cucumbers directly from plants
Easy to create your own food!

Monday, November 30, 2009

Book Reiew/Summary: White Sands, Red Menace by Ellen Klages

Book Summary

White Sands, Red Menace

By Ellen Klages

After finishing a session of EPGY, Shreyes went upstairs and started to read "White Sands Red Menace". [3 hours pass]

Then his daddy asked, “Who are the main characters in White Sands, Red Menace?”

“Dewey Kerrigan and Suze Gordon from the Green Glass Sea.” replied Shreyes.

“I didn’t read that one.” said his dad.

“Then check my blog at”

[20 minutes pass]

“I read all your posts including Ellen Klages: Belmont. So let’s continue with our discussion on White Sands, Red Menace. Which place does the story take place in?”

“Alamogordo, New Mexico.”



His dad picked up a paper and wrote:

Main Characters:

Dewey Kerrigan and Suze Gordon




Alamogordo, New Mexico

[3 hours pass]

“I did a bit of research with Google and found out that in the White Sands Missile Grounds, also in 1947, a V-2 rocket project was in progress.”

“That’s what White Sands, Red Menace is about. In the first quarter, Dewey lives with Suze and her mom, Terry Gordon (in this quarter of the book, Dewey’s dad was killed in a car crash in the “Green Glass Sea” and her mom had mysteriously gone away somewhere). Once Dewey and Suze get to see a V-2 launch in the White Sands Missile Grounds. Then, Dewey gets a letter from her mom and it was from San Diego. In the third of the quarter of the book, Dewey’s mom comes to Alamogordo on a motorcycle and meets Dewey and tells her story from when she met her husband Jimmy to how she came to Alamogordo on a motorcycle. In the last quarter, Dewey sees a cloud of black smoke from a V-2 launch and talks to her mother who wants to bring Dewey back with her. Dewey tells her mom that she already has the Gordons for her.“

Rating: 99.9725/100.0
Status: Read

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Nov 2 - Nov 7, 2009 Activity Summary

- EPGY: Started week at 4.40 and ended at 4.48 (Geometry: 4.51, Measurement: 4.50, Integers: 4.46)
- Reading the book "Life by the Numbers" by Keith Devlin - read sections about how math is used to solve different problems in life, how skaters perform triple axels and knot theory. Currently reading about how Tom Banchoff used math to construct (using a computer) a hypercube (4 dimensional cube)
- RockIt Science: Learned about air pressure, built a machine invented by Hero of Alexandria that spouts water up by itself due to air pressure, heard a crazy story about Evil Mr. Fred and Jack and Jill. In the story, Jack and Jill are farmers who, in their field, grow pizzas, nachos, pickles,chocolate ice cream. Evil Mr. Fred, who always wants everyone to be sad, doesn't like Jack and Jill having these nice things. He makes a cloud and puts some rocket engines and burns up some crops each time he comes. Fortunately, Jack and Jill made friends with a flying lake.  So, everytime Evil Mr. Fred comes and burns their crops, the lake puts out the fire. They find a lake near their farm and connect it with pipes to the flying lake and try to spout water at the rocket engines until the fuel is gone. But, their plan does not work out. So, they find a stronger rocket fuel to replace Evil Mr. Fred's old fuel and they offer him some. He burns some pizzas but the new rocket fuel creates a flame so big that it burns Evil Mr. Fred and his cloud.

- Thinkwell Chemistry: Learned the Heisenberg Uncertainity Principle to the characteristics of each family in the periodic table - how they react with water, why the alkali metals have their name (when they react with water, the solution is basic or alkaline), etc.

- Solar Research: Trying to learn about how much time it takes for the sun to provide enough heat to one cup of water from 60° F to 212° F (needs 76 BTUs of heat). Solar panels convert solar energy to electricity actively. I decided to use a lens instead of a solar panel in my solar car design.

- Biology: Dirt to Dinner class (Bugs) - read my post

- Physics: Reading "Conceptual Physics" by Paul G. Hewitt about Galileo's inclined planes.

- Astronomy: See post on Dark Energy talk

- Painting: Completed "My Froggy". Started "My ? animal"
- Clay Class: Working on a scene from "Around the World in 365 days" by Shreyes Nallan

- Fiction: Reading "White Sands, Red Menace" by Ellen Klages
- Biographies: Read "James Watt, Master of the Steam Engine" by Anna Sproule. Reading "The  Wright Brothers, the Birth of Modern Aviation" by Anna Sproule. Mummy is reading "Never at Rest" by Richard S. Westfall (long version of the "The Life of Isaac Newton")

-Swim class at Timpany Center: Breaststroke, Freestyle with breathing in water
-Tennis - No class Saturday this week, class on Sunday

Dirt to Dinner: Bugs

November 7, 2009.
We went to the class today at 10:10 am. Mackenzie was back. We started with opening circle. The talking object today in the opening circle was a scarlet bean pod. We had to say what we were thankful for and share a weird bug encounter. I said that that I was thankful for being there and that I didn't have any weird bug encounters.

Next, it was time for the food chain game. Most kids were aphids to start with. Some were ladybugs. Mackenzie spread out bandanas all over a part of the backyard. Only one aphid could stay on a cabbage (bandana). I was an aphid to start with. If another aphid comes on your cabbage, you need to move to an empty cabbage. If you on the grass, you can be tagged by a ladybug and eaten. If you are on the cabbages, you are safe. In the first game, I stayed on grass wanting to be tagged by a ladybug to become a ladybug so there isn't any predators that eat ladybugs. In the second game, we added an owl that can eat the ladybug and the ladybug becomes an aphid again. In the second game, I became an aphid twice, the original state and when I was tagged by the bird to become an aphid again.

Next, the adventure moved to the kitchen. Sidney snapped some green beans for making the potato green bean salad. I helped make the mixture for the dressing with vinegar, lemon juice, mustard, pepper, salt, sugar and olive oil. At this point, Mackenzie called us to the map making adventure so I missed making the whole salad.

Pachie drew an unfinished map of the front yard and we tried to find bugs and plot their location on the map. I started looking out for bugs in the soil and didn't find any. I had an idea to look for bees on flowers and went to the yellow flowers and found a miniature version of a fly on two of them. Meanwhile Mackenzie and Elia were looking for leaf miners on swiss chard leaves. Daddy walked on to join the leaf miner hunt and found one. I plotted their locations on the map. Meanwhile Ry, Mackenzie and Elia were looking for ladybugs and found two. Mackenzie, Kimberly and Olivia found a bee which lives on a pea also in the frontyard. I plotted the bee's location on the map. I picked some carrots from the front yard and ate them. I munched one more and Daddy asked me to go to the backyard to eat the five items we cooked. I did not eat any of them.

We also checked the results of our soil experiment today. The results (if you read Ms. Juli's blog, kids from Halloween dug up some holes and we covered the entire bed with a mesh) were that in the compost side, there were no plants but in the non-compost side, there were some weird looking plants that could be tomatoes.

Then, Mackenzie called us for the closing circle and this time we had to share what we liked the most about the garden. I said that the most interesting part of the garden was when I found the minature version of the fly.
I also had fun with Elia and Ry playing the drums.

Dark Energy talk in Berkeley

October 19, 2009.
Mommy and I rushed through the long line on Addison Street in Berkeley. We arrived in the building, went up the elevator and arrived at the mezzanine EE-FF. We were going to attend a talk about dark energy presented by the Berkeley Lab, in a series of talks called "Science at the Theater". This talk was given by Dr. Saul Perlmutter, Dr. David Schelgel and Dr. Alexie Leauthand. The interviewer was John Fowler.

They started with Dr. Perlmutter talking about dark energy. The theory is that dark energy makes the universe expand. Edwin Hubble looked at distant galaxies and noticed that they were redshifted, which means that they were going farther from us and so the universe is expanding.

Next it was Dr. Schelgel's turn. He was working on the Sloan Digital Sky Survey which was mapping space in 2D and 3D and the spectrum of the sky for a "standard ruler" of history.

Next it was Dr. Leauthand's turn. She first started with telling her audience that Fritz Zwicky calculated the speed of some galaxies, their mass, and did some calculations to find out the distance from Earth to the galaxies. But that did not match the observed distance. Zwicky concluded that there needs to be some mass in addition to the observed mass and called it "dark matter". Currently no probes have been sent to detect dark matter. People think that dark matter is a particle. Dark matter is found in galaxy clusters in clusters. Light curves through dark matter. Dark matter doesn't interact with atomic matter so it is difficult to detect it. Dark matter doesn't have anything to do with dark energy.

We left the mezzanine, went down the elevator to the first floor, crossed the street, entered the parking garage, went to our van and returned home.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Dirt to Dinner: Food Preservation and plant drawing

October 24, 2009.

Daddy and I went to the class at 10:05 am. We first checked the results of the soil experiment that we did in the last class. The results are:

                With Compost            l        No Compost
Sprouts               6                      l                12
Leaves              6 - 9                  l            2 - 11
Height           0.75 - 3 in             l          0.25 - 3 in

In the picture above, I am writing the results of the experiment. Our hypothesis was that compost in the soil will give us bigger leaves and more sprouts. But, I found results to be the opposite of the original hypothesis.

One possible reason could be when we removed the original tomato plant, it shed off some seeds and they sprouted in the side with no compost instead of the peas we planted. I will observe the small sprouts after two weeks and see if they are tomatoes or peas. One possible reason that the compost side had less sprouts was that there was one big lump in that side. Maybe there were sprouts there but the lump prevented them from coming out.

I flattened the lump out expecting peas to sprout before the next class.

Then I went to draw a plant and I selected an interesting leaf for drawing shown in the photo above. I first drew the stem and looked at the hairs of the stem and also drew the first leaves in exact detail. Daddy showed me his quick sketch of the plant. He did not draw the hairs at the tip of the stem and the small bump and the hair there. In his drawing, the stem was nearly rectangular. I colored my stem using pastels. I also colored the leaves I drew. Then, I went to the food preservation exercise.
In the food preservation exercise, 12 foods were laid on a table and we needed to say how those foods were preserved. The foods were yogurt (fermentation), tuna, meat, dried fruit (drying), vanilla (?), avakai (pickling), cucumber pickle (?), cheese (fermentation), dried beans (drying), dried strawberry and bananas (drying), cinnamon jam (canning) and others. Devin started an experiment storing garlic in oil, honey, water and air to see which one works and how garlic is spoiled by the others. I think the garlic in air and water will not be preserved because fungi will attack it. I expect oil and honey to preserve the garlic. You can see me doing the food preservation exercise in the photo below.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Chemisty activities in Martin Luther King Jr. Library in downtown San Jose

Daddy and I left home at about 11:40 am, took Capitol Expressway onto CA-87 North onto Santa Clara Street, Almaden Blvd and San Fernando Street and parked on 4th street. We went to Togo's for change to pay for parking. We went into the Martin Luther King Jr. library and attended the Chemistry activities in the Children's room. First, I participated in a penny experiment. I dropped one penny in plain water, one in water with acid, one in ketchup and the last one in Coca Cola. The penny in water with acid became shiny quickly because the acid removed the dirt on the penny. Next I participated in the Chemistry Wheel of Fortune and I was the first winner of a High-Five. Then, I saw the difference between dirt and Oreo cookies. Next, I mixed Poly Vinyl alcohol, water, and borax, creating a substance called slime which was (obviously) slimy. You can see me holding the slime I made in the photo above. Then, I went and asked some questions to the people who gave me the Oreo test. Then, we returned some library books. Then we returned home. This week is the 140th anniversary of the periodic table.

My Presentation: The Manhattan Project and the making of the atom bomb

October 16, 2009.

We left home onto Capitol Expressway onto CA-87 onto US-101 and took the Whipple Road exit to Jefferson Road onto Middlefield Road and parked in the parking lot stall 1174. Mummy paid for parking at the pay machine and went into the Redwood City Library in Redwood City downtown. We went up the elevator because Suraga's seat couldn't go up the stairs and reached the community room.

The first person to present was Shiloh Curtis who talked about the Sculpture Gardens in Washington D.C. She talked about the sculptures in the garden. To improve, I would suggest that she show more excitement the next time. Next, it was my turn.

You can see my presentation in the link below:

I think that I did a good presentation on a good topic. I talked about the Manhattan Project and the making of the atomic bomb. I covered the history behind the atom bomb, the start of the project, the key sites of the project, the goals, science and the results. I said that my inspiration to do this presentation was the book "The Green Glass Sea" by Ellen Klages and "The Story of Science" by Joy Hakim. Some members in the audience asked me many questions - such as were there any other metals than trinitite in the explosion site and how many atomic bombs does the US have now.  I answered them all and concluded my presentation.

My presentation was followed by other presentations on World War II, Surviving Little Sisters, Kon-Tiki, Perfect Poisons and My Trip on Alvin (a submarine). At the end of the last presentation, My Trip on Alvin, we dispersed for the day.

The next best presentations (the best was mine, of course  :-)) was Ajay's on Perfect Poisons.

Astronomy Lecture: First photos of a planet orbiting another star

October 7, 2009.
Mummy and I left home at about 6:15pm and drove on Capitol Expressway onto CA-87 and took I-280 onto I-237 to El Camino Real and took El Monte Road to Foothill College and drove into the parking lot. But the parking lot was full and we had to park in the additional parking area. We went up a slope into the Robert Smithwick Theater. We got into the theater at 7:01 pm. Andrew Fraknoi was giving an introduction to the lecture. Finally, Prof. Peter Kalas entered the;theater and started his presentation/lecture.

He first said that he bet with NASA on three stars for planets around them. The three stars were Vega, Foamohaut and β Pictorial. With the Hubble Space Telescope, he got a picture of Foamohaut and observed that there was a planet orbiting around it. He called the planet Foamohaut B. The star was Foamohaut A. Some people, in 1984, observed that there was dust around a few stars and came up with a theory that some of the dust might have coalesced into a planet. But in 1988, however, Prof. Kalas' professor disagreed with this theory. Prof. Kalas stopped listening to his own professor's theory and finally proved his professor wrong. The Hubble Telescope was launched in 1990 and after talking with NASA for a long time for using the Hubble to find extra-terrestial planets, he was able to convince them to do so. He finally found a planet from the photographs captured by Hubble. He ended the lecture by saying "I hope you find Foamohaut C, D and E". It was question and answer time and I asked him a question "What were the three stars that you bet with NASA and how did you pick those three stars?". He answered "I picked the stars closest to us and the ones I thought will have planets around them. Their names are Vega, Foamohaut and β Pictorial".

We ran down the slope into the additional parking area, went into the car. Then we returned home.
The most interesting part of the lecture was the extra-terrestrial planet around a star. This planet, Foamohaut B is slightly bigger than Neptune.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Dirt to Dinner: Experiments with plants

Dirt to Dinner: Experiments with Plants

Today, we started our session with circle time. We sang a song from Kenya about a village. We shared what we were thankful for and our favorite vegetable. I said that I was thankful for my Daddy being there with me in the class and my favorite vegetable was broccoli.

My group, Group S, went on a scavenger hunt to find things that were sweet, round, earthly, red, rustly, hard, pungent, etc. You can see me holding up my collection.
After that, we switched from scavenger hunt to doing some experiments with pea plants. The following questions are supposed to be answered by our experiments:
1) Do plants grow better with water?
2) Do plants really don't need soil to grow but the soil helps them grow bigger leaves?
3) Do plants really don't need light but grow better with light?
I participated in the soil experiment (to answer question 2). We planted peas in watered soil with compost and peas in watered soil without compost to see what will happen in two weeks. In the photo, you can see me planting pea seeds with Mackenzie. The water experiment to answer question 1 had a method of five different cups with different water properties (cups with and without holes, cups with different time periods between watering). The light experiment to answer question 3 had a method of putting plants in a closet with a locked door and tin foil over the plant to observe if the plant will grow.

Then Elia's group, Group C, were called into the kitchen to make an upside-down polenta (grounded corn) apple pie. After them, our group was called into the kitchen to make soft polenta. Talya made soft polenta with tomatoes and I helped Juli make soft polenta. In the photo, I am stirring the mix to make soft polenta. Group P made polenta pizza.

Mackenzie brought the food out and we had a polenta lunch. I liked eating the upside-down polenta apple pie. The pie was yummy!!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Ellen Klages:Belmont

On September 30th, 2009 at about 7:05 pm we left to see Ellen Klages (the author of The Green Glass Sea and White Sands, Red Menace) who was in the Belmont Library from 7 pm to 8 pm. The Belmont Library is located on 1100 Alameda de las Pulgas(Directions:Take US-101, Ralston Avenue/Marine Parkway exit, left on Ralston Avenue, left on Alameda de las Pulgas). I wrote a book review (photos 2, 3 and 4) for The Green Glass Sea and gave it to Ms. Klages. Here is my book review (Side 1): Book Review

The Green Glass Sea

This book (containing a mix of fiction and non-fiction) is an interesting book about the the Manhattan Project, the making of the atomic bomb, and how people lived in Los Alamos from 1943 to 1945. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Rating: 99.999 of 100                                                                                      Status: Read

Side 2

Ms. Klages gave me a postcard (photos 5 and 6). Ms. Klages showed me her sample of trinitite (the metal that the atomic bomb turns quartz into). The first picture is trinitite. I read about trinitite in "The Story of Science" by Joy Hakim, and then I got to see it for real!

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Journey to the Center of the Earth : Exploring High Pressure in Stanford, CA

September 29th, 2009. Mummy was running down the corridor into the garage. I quickly jumped 3 steps, ran into the garage, and wore my shoes. Mummy drove on CA-87 and took the North First Street exit. She took Orchard Parkway and said," Did you ever see Daddy's new office?". She passed BAE Systems and finally arrived at 3025 Orchard Parkway. Daddy ran towards the van. I jumped down the van, ran towards the car door, and buckled my belt. Daddy turned right on Montague Expressway, made an U-turn, took US-101, took exit The Embarcadero/ Oregon Expressway, right on East The Embarcadero, right on Arbroitetry Way, left on Sand Hill Road, and left on Saga Lane. Where were we going to? The Stanford Linear Accelerator in Stanford, CA to see the lecture Journey to the Center of the Earth : Exploring High Pressure! When we got out of the van, we were greeted by a gruesome wind blowing our way. We ran into the Panofsky Auditorium, grabbed a cookie each, jumped down the steps, and sat in our seats. We asked a person working at The Stanford Linear Accelerator what they were smashing. He said they were smashing an electron with its anti-particle. "Emergency Information" was showing on the lecturer's (Wendy Mao) laptop. We were sitting in our seats, waiting for the lecture to start. Finally it did. The very interesting lecture was about, as it says on the title of this post, high pressure. One of the things I remembered was that atoms get closer when they reach higher pressure. Finally Wendy Mao ended the lecture with a story of a monk. We exited the Panofsky Auditorium, raced into the parking lot, opened the car door, and buckled our belts. Daddy gave me a sandwich, started the car, turned left on Sand Hill Road, took I-280, exit CA-87, and finally arrived home.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Dirt to Dinner: Compost Building and Seed Dispersion

Teachers: Mackenzie and Juli Idleman

We made compost from dried leaves and by chopping a tomato plant. In the second photo, I am sitting next to the tomato plant that I chopped up for obtaining the carbon in the compost (the dried leaves provide nitrogen) I found some green and red tomatoes while cutting the tomato leaves.
In the first photo, I am doing the Seed Olympics. I had to make a pea seed that flies, a pea seed that can fling itself and a pea seed that can float. The photos shows me making one that flies. The pea seed is inside the styrofoam ball.
I also made one that floats with the same white colored ball but without the feathers. I put a pea seed inside a wet balloon and closed it with a rubber band to keep the air from going out. I released the balloon and it shot forward. The rubber band came off because the balloon was wet and slippery. Then, the pea seed fell down and the balloon was out of air and landed on a rosemary plant.

I had fun in this class!

Book Review: The Twits by Roald Dahl (1916 - 1990)

The Twits: Book Review
Status: Read
Rating: 100 out of 100
Author: Roald Dahl (1916 - 1990)
Illustrator: Quentin Blake (1932 - )
Then it was enjoying, now it's nastiness. Mr. and Mrs. Twit are a nasty couple who live in England. Every Wednesday, they eat Bird Pie made from the birds on their tree which is coated with HUGTIGHT Glue. They do nasty things to each other, like when Mrs. Twit put worms in Mr. Twit's spaghetti. Whenever birds come on the tree, their monkeys shout (in African) " DON'T REST ON THAT TREE! IT IS COATED WITH GLUE!". But the birds speak English and can't understand African and get stuck on the tree. One day, a Roly Poly bird (who knows English and African) comes to England. She stops other birds from getting stuck on the tree. The monkeys hatch a plan to turn Mr. and Mrs. Twit upside down when they come into the house.
The birds and the monkeys lift the carpet and attach it to the ceiling with HUGTIGHT Glue. They turn the furniture upside-down and place it on the carpet and paint the entire house with HUGTIGHT Glue. One minute later, Mr. and Mrs. Twit come into the house and are glued to the house forever with HUGTIGHT Glue!